Monday, May 13, 2013

My goal with this blog is to teach people that not only is real food pretty, but it also tastes good. I want people to reconnect with and enjoy preparing and cooking their food. Appreciate  the process of washing the leaves, slicing vegetables, appreciating the perfect beauty of nature. Take the time to prepare fresh food for and with your family, even if you can only do it once a week. 

If you only have one day off to spend time cooking, then cook a few things that you can incorporate into meals. If you have kids buy fruit and cut it into chunks for easy and quick eating. Grill a package of chicken breasts which are then available through the week for slicing into sandwiches or topping salads. Chop up summer veggies and some fresh herbs and drizzle with olive oil and your favorite vinegar. This will keep in the fridge for a few days. Cook in large batches so you have leftovers for another day, or perhaps for the freezer.

Today I was pressed for time and suddenly starving before heading to the supermarket. I had cooked quinoa and a summer salad sitting in the fridge. I threw some together into a bowl and topped with feta cheese and poof- quick, easy and healthy and out the door in no time.

If you take the time to prep and cook some food then you will have healthy things on hand when you're on the go and even if you cut your bad eating habits in half you will be making a huge contribution to your long term health, as well as probably saving money. 

Some items to keep on hand to put together quick and easy meals:
-Tortillas or wraps- a great way to use up leftovers. Throw some salad and/or veggies and left over meat or grains into a wrap, add a little low fat dressing and roll up. You can even take it out the door with you.
-Low fat cottage cheese. It's filling and goes great with salad or fruit.
-Nuts and dried fruit*. Again, if you have kids you can bag up mixtures of fruit, nuts and seeds (sunflower or pumpkin) into sandwich bags and have them ready to go. You can even add some chocolate chips (preferably dark) to satisfy a sweet tooth craving.
-Bananas. Nothing is quicker, easier and more portable.
-Bagged fresh spinach. Add to sandwiches instead of lettuce or put some leftovers on a bed of it. The heat from your food will wilt it and make a nice addition to your meal and nutritional content.
-Bottled juice smoothies. Yeah, they're expensive and high in sugar, but at least they are nutritious, especially the green blends. Buy a few when you find them on sale. You can grab one on the go and it will sate your hunger until you can eat something healthy.
-All natural nut butters. Spread some peanut or almond butter on a hefty slice of whole grain bread and top with sliced fruit. High in fat, but again, nutritious and filling.
-Hard boiled eggs. Good for salad toppers as well as eating out of hand. Instead of making egg salad with all that mayo try slicing the egg onto a sandwich. One of my favorite sandwiches is jalapeno tofu cheese, sliced egg and fresh spinach. A little dijon mustard along with a little mayo, or better yet, sub the mayo for sliced or mashed avocado. 
And finally, don't keep junk food in the house. If you have to absolutely have something then go out and get it, but don't keep it handy.

Start with subbing out some bad choices for healthier ones.
I KNOW that once you've been "eating clean" for a few weeks you will not only stop craving junk, but will crave healthy food. You will feel better and look better and optimally have a healthier body and life.

*I only buy organic dried fruit because I heard a guy on Dr Oz one time call raisins "pesticide pellets".

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